Hello, I am

Juliane Soares

Front-End Developer based in Barcelona, Spain


Rosé Page

The rosé wine website was my first project coding. It is a simple Landing page, built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I really loved this project because it was so empowering to see that I could create a website on my own with all the knowledge I got from SheCodes in just 3 weeks.

Weather App

The weather app is a project built with HTML, CSS and Vanilla Java Script. In this project I used an API to get real data information to inject into my webpage. It predicts the weather based on the current location os the user or the city typed in the search bar. You’ll be also able to see the forecast for the next few days.


My Portfolio

This is a responsive webpage was created by me using HTML and CSS. The main goal here was create a fully responsive website using Bootstrap and some CSS technics.